Computing and Technology Camp
30 September — 3 October 2024

What is Reboot?

Reboot is a four day residential camp that is focused on three things: Jesus, technology, and fun. Our leaders are passionate about helping campers to explore and enjoy the technology around them, while also helping them to explore how Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is relevant to their lives.
Boys and girls in years 7-12
9am Mon 30th September 2024
4pm Thu 3rd October 2024
Nepean Christian School,
836 Mulgoa Rd,
Mulgoa NSW

Exploring Technology

We have a bunch of technical workshops for you to sink your teeth into. Spend a few hours learning to program, mixing some music, or taking beautiful photos. Our skilled leaders are there to help you to learn and grow in your skills.

Introduction to Programming

Our introductory programming workshop will take you through the basics of how to program in the programming language Python.

Blender and 3D Modelling

Learn the skills of 3D modelling using Blender, a powerful free software 3D modelling and animation suite.


Have you ever wanted to get your thoughts out into the world? In this workshop you'll learn how to publish your thoughts, both technically (setting up a blog) and strategically (planning what to write about).

Engaging with Jesus

On camp we have a few different ways for you to get to know Jesus and the Christian message. All of our leaders are passionate about their faith in Jesus and always love answering your questions and sharing about their experiences of being a Christian.

Aside from chatting to our leaders, each day we have some structured activities to help you engage with Jesus.


Our speaker will go through a part of the bible and help you to understand what it could mean for your life personally.

Small Groups

Small groups are a chance to ask any questions you had about the talks, and to look more deeply at the bible with a few of the other campers and leaders.


In seminars we tackle a range of topics like tough questions about Christianity, and practical aspects of being Christian. You'll get a choice of a few seminars and can go to the ones that particularly interest you.

Games and Activities

We don't spend all day just thinking though. We also spend some time playing games! We'll play some big organised games all together, but if board games are more your style then you won't be disappointed. There are always people playing card/board games, and even some Tabletop RPGs!


We play a variety of games as a camp. There's something for everyone, no matter whether you like to run around or whether you'd rather think strategically and solve puzzles. These are a great chance to get to know the other campers and get competitive.

Free Time

We have free time set aside during camp that you can use for down time on your own, or gather some friends and a board game. Our leaders are usually excited to get a chance to play board games, so you're sure to have some company if you want it!

Theme Night

The last night of camp is something a little special, as we dress up for a theme night. The theme is usually announced a couple of weeks before camp, so you have a chance to plan a fun outfit. We'll have some fun activities in line with the theme, and there's often a surprise or two in store!